Team Hyphen8 Length of the UK Challenge- Raising Funds and Awareness for Group B Strep Support
Group B Strep Support is a UK charity working to stop group B Strep (GBS) infection in babies. Group B Strep Support educate new and expectant parents, doctors, and midwives about group B strep and provide information and support to affected families.
Group B Strep Support provide help and support to families, especially parents, suffering from the devastating consequences of GBS infection. They also help new and expectant parents wanting more information about testing and how to reduce the risk of GBS infection for their baby.
Group B Strep Support are supported by an eminent and dedicated medical advisory panel. The charity provides free up-to-date and accurate medical information about GBS to health professionals involved in maternity care.
Before we embarked on this challenge I had no idea what Group B Strep was, or how it affected babies. It was terrifying to know that at least one baby a week dies from Group B Strep. A scary statistic in the modern world of medicine. We all know the dangers of meningitis and know how to spot the signs, but why are we all so unaware of the dangers of Group B Strep? For further information on Group B Strep, please visit their website

From running in Ibiza, to cycling in the gym, all the Hyphen8 team (and dogs!) have stepped up to the challenge. To follow our progress via twitter @teamhyphen8
If you would like to support our September event please donate using this donation form
To find out more about what the Hyphen8 team are upto, please see our blog