Listening To Your Stakeholders

Whether you’re a grantmaker, a charity directly delivering services, or any other type of organisation, listening to your stakeholders is vital to understand how you’re performing. This can tell you more about areas that need urgent attention and give data on changing trends.

Not only can this feedback help you find and rectify gaps, but it can also help to build bridges and improve relationships. By ensuring stakeholders (such as grantees, donors or beneficiaries) are heard and respected, you can continue to build trust and rapport and give them a sense of ownership and engagement.

We recently explored how Participatory Grantmaking benefits communities by including them in decision-making, and increasing involvement from stakeholders is one of the trends and requests we’re seeing most from grantmakers.

What If We Don’t Do It?

Without effective surveys of your stakeholders, you might miss an opportunity to change and fail to meet the needs of those you’re aiming to help. This can also inadvertently cause your relationships with stakeholders to be damaged over time if they feel that you aren’t giving due attention to their thoughts and views.

Gathering Data

One of the best ways to gather data is through surveys but sending these out to all of your stakeholders can be incredibly time-consuming. Wrestling over quantitative vs qualitative questions, preparing and sending the survey, and then collating and analysing the results can take significant time and resources from across an organisation.  If this is something you’re interested in exploring, we can help you with this challenge.

We’ve worked with many of our customers to automate these processes, allowing surveys to be automatically sent based on specific parameters, saving significant amounts of time. These responses are automatically collected and pulled back into Salesforce, allowing monitoring and analysis by management teams to allow changes in trends to be quickly identified.

How Are Hyphen8 doing It?

We recently sent an Evolve Survey to all supported customers, and we’re grateful to all our customers who took the time to respond and provide us with valuable insights.

This survey gives us valuable feedback on the quality of our support services and will help us understand where we can improve. The survey was designed to capture customer opinions about the quality of our service, the efficiency of our support team and the overall customer experience.

Evolving Evolve

The feedback that has been provided will let us target our focus on improvements, to ensure we deliver high quality support, best-practice guidance, and help for our customers and their beneficiaries.

The feedback we’ve received will also inform the work of our Service Design team, who are working on ways to improve our Evolve service. We’re confident that this will result in the best possible experience for our customers, helping you to maximise impact for grantees and beneficiaries.


We outlined in our Unlocking Success: Salesforce Nonprofit Trends Report how digitally mature nonprofits use data to inform decision-making, reach new audiences, personalise communications, and forecast fundraising income – get in touch if you want to discuss how Hyphen8 can help you improve your stakeholder feedback processes.

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