Innovation: Editable Related Lists

Tired of not being able to edit records in Related Lists ? Well say no more!

We all wish Related Lists were a little more like List Views, in which we can edit records easily in list format, without having to navigate to, for example: each Contact within an Account in order to edit information for that Contact. Another example are Panel / Review Meetings. Wouldn’t it be great to simply easily tick which Panel / Meeting Members are Active / Attending the meeting, their Review Verdict, and Date of Review for example from just the Related List, without needing a new custom solution.
We have created an Editable Related List (ERL) Lightning Web Component, for just this reason. You can define which columns to display, whether they are editable or not, the order the appear in, and so much more. This component can be used with any Object, and can be placed anywhere on a Lightning Page.

What can it do?

Here’s what the ERL component has to offer currently:

  • Edit Child records in an Related List style layout
  • Text, Checkbox, Date, Currency, Phone and Email field edits
  • Date, Currency, Phone and Email formatting
  • Define fields available in the Related List
  • Define which fields are Editable / Read Only
  • Custom Label for the Related List
  • Custom Height for the component
  • Selection of Icons to use for the Related List
  • Ordering of Fields
  • Toggle of ‘New’ Child record button
  • Navigation to the Child Records

Are there any Quirks?

Yes, whilst the ERL component does a lot very well, there are 2 areas where you may need to pay attention:

  • Picklist Fields
    • These can be used, but there is no list of Picklist Options to choose from. Simply enter the desired Picklist value, and this will be saved against the record. Ensure to use correct picklist values
  • Multi-Select Picklist Fields
    • These can be used, but there is no list of Picklist Options to choose from. Simply enter the desired Picklist values, and this will be saved against the record. Ensure to use correct picklist values and syntax when entering these, ie: Option 1;Option 2; Option 3

If you enter a Picklist value incorrectly, then the component will prompt that data has been entered incorrectly on save.

What can’t it do?

The following are currently not available within the ERL component:

  • Rollup Summary fields display a blank field within the component when included
  • Lookup Fields do not work with the component
  • Compound fields show correctly, but can not be edited (eg: Contact Full Name)

How do i get it?

If you are interested in the Editable Related List component, then please do get in touch with us here at Hyphen8, and we can discuss implementation with you. Simply email: or get in touch by contacting the team.